Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Wang On Properties Limited, its subsidiaries and associated companies (collectively the “Group” or “We”) strives to safeguard personally identifiable information (the “Personal Data”) provided by its customers or visitors of its web sites (collectively the “Users” or “You”) by complying with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong) (the “Ordinance”). We set out the Group’s Privacy and Personal Information Collection Policy hereunder.

The Group uses ‘cookies’ to store and track information of the Users. A ‘cookie’ is a piece of text file which the Group’s website transfers to the hard drive of the Users’ computers. The Group’s website may create a ‘cookie’ that contains information which Users have entered or contain a record of which pages in the website the Users have visited. Generally, the Group uses ‘cookies’ to estimate audience size and to measure users’ traffic patterns. Allowing the Group’s website to create a ‘cookie’ does not give the website or any other website access to the rest of the Users’ computer, and only the site which created the ‘cookie’ can read it. You can edit your browser option to block the ‘cookies’.

The collection of Personal Data will be subject to the Group’s Personal Information Collection Statement. The Personal Data will be stored securely in the Group’s system and the Group will take all practicable steps to ensure that the Personal Data is not kept longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose (including any directly related purpose) for which the Personal Data is or will be used. The Group will not release the Personal Data to parties outside the Group except as set out in the Group’s Personal Information Collection Statement. You have the right to request access to and correction of your Personal Data in accordance with the procedure set out in the Group’s Personal Information Collection Statement.

The Group may, from time to time, send direct marketing materials promoting products and services to you based on your Personal Data, opt-out mechanism will be provided.

The Group may use third party content and service providers and offer links to third party web sites. These third parties may collect personal data from you pursuant to their own privacy policies. The Group’s Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement do not cover those third parties.

While the Group makes every effort to protect the Personal Data of the Users, it cannot guarantee perfect security given the nature of the internet. When providing Personal Data to the Group, you shall protect your personal data against unauthorized or accidental access, as the personal data is disclosed at your own risk.

Personal Information Collection Statement

This Personal Information Collection Statement sets out the purposes for which the Personal Data will be used following collection, what the Users are agreeing to with respect to the Group’s use of such information and the Users’ rights under the Ordinance. This Personal Information Collection Statement may be modified by the Group from time to time. Each time you log in to the Group’s web site or use its products or services, you agree to be bound by the Group’s Personal Information Collection Statement in force at that time.

Collection of Personal Data

The Users may be asked to provide the following Personal Data including:

1. personal information such as name, gender, date of birth, nationality, family status, identification document number.

2. contact information such as telephone number, mailing address, email address, fax number.

3. business information such as company name, business title.

4. payment information such as card number, cardholder name, expiry date, security code, billing address.

Other non-personally identifiable, such as personal preference, comment, response to promotional offer and survey may also be collected.

IP address of the computer used to visit the Group’s web site may be recorded.

It may be necessary for the Group to collect the Personal Data to enable it to provide you with the various products or services offered. You are not obliged to provide the Personal Data, but if you do not, the products or services may not be available to you.

Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Data

The Personal Data collected is or will be used by the Group for the following purposes:

1. Matters in relation to the supply of products or services to you;

2. Providing you with information in respect of the marketing, offers or promotional activities of the Group’s products, services;

3. For payment purposes in relation to the products, services supplied or to be supplied;

4. Communicating with you by telephone, post, email, fax or other social media,

5. Following up your inquiry, comment, application that you might have submitted to the Group through its website or other means;

6. The Group’s marketing research;

7. For the use of the membership clubs or reward programmes managed by the Group,

8. Any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above purposes.

The Group intends to use your Personal Data for delivering information or materials to you in respect of products, services, promotional and marketing events which you may be interested in and to conduct direct marketing in relation to properties including residential, offices, commercial and industrial buildings, shops, shopping malls and the events therein; property management services; financial services, retail products or services. The Personal Data will also be used for recruitment purpose. The Group will not use the Personal Data for direct marketing unless it has received your consent. Your consent may be communicated to the Group at the time when you provide your Personal Data in writing or through the Group’s website.

The Group will not knowingly or intentionally use, share, sell your Personal Data in any way unrelated to the purposes set out above.

Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data

Your Personal Data will be transferred and provided to the subsidiary or associated companies of Wang On Properties Limited and to persons whom the Group considers necessary to be engaged in connection with the provision of the products or services or otherwise relating to the purposes set out above. In this connection, your Personal Data may be transferred to other jurisdiction outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”). The Group will use its best endeavor to ensure that the Personal Data transferred outside Hong Kong is protected to standard in line with the requirements of the Ordinance, subject to any other requirements of the relevant jurisdiction.

The Group may disclose the relevant User’s Personal Data when required by law or court order of any jurisdiction, or as requested by any government or law enforcement agencies, or when disclosure is necessary to protect the rights of the Group (such as in legal proceedings) or in circumstances which the Group reasonably believe to be related to the purposes set out above.

Access to Personal Data and Other Rights

Subject to our verification of your identity, you have the right to request access to and correction of your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).

Your request for access to, correction of your Personal Data kept by the Group, or for information regarding the Group’s Privacy Policies may be sent by post to the following:

The Personal Data Compliance Officer
Wang On Properties Limited
Suite 3201, 32/F,
Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road,
Kowloon Bay, Kowloon,
Hong Kong

In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, the Group has the right to charge you a reasonable fee for processing your request.

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing material or communications from the Group, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying the Group’s Personal Data Compliance Officr at the above address.

This Privacy Policy and Personal Data Collection Statement are written in English and Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.