Part-time Lecturer

LAI Mei Lin

B.A. (HKU), M. Phil. (HKU), D. Phil. (University of Sydney)

Dr. Lai Mei Lin received her BA and MPhil in art history from The University of Hong Kong, and her PhD from The University of Sydney. She has taught Western art at the Hong Kong Art School of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong art as well as modern and contemporary Chinese art in the Department of Fine Arts of The University of Hong Kong and the Department of Visual Studies of The Lingnan University. Since 2012, Dr. Lai has been teaching Traditions in Western Art in our department. Her research focuses mainly on Hong Kong art as well as twentieth-century modern Chinese art.



1. “The Early Life and Art of Lü Shoukun.” In Kurt Chan, Maggie Wan ed. Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2007 (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008), pp. 89-116.

2. “A Short Review of From Reality to Fantasy: The Art of Luis Chan”, Yishu, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol.5, no.4 (December 2006), pp. 98-102.

3. “Review of Zhu Qi’s Xianggang meishushi (Hong Kong Art History)”, White Text, no.2 (June 2006), pp. 13-20.

4. “Oscar Ho’s Stories Around Town”, In Mapping Identities: The Art and Curating of Oscar Ho (Hong Kong: Para/Site Art Space, 2004), pp. 95-109.

5. “Tang Ying Chi: Art for Communication” in Visual Veil exh. cat. (Hong Kong: Leisure and Cultural Services Department Art Promotion Office, 2004), unpaginated.

6. “Some Thoughts on Looking at Hong Kong Cityscapes – Ink Painting in Transition” In Harold Mok and Kurt Chan ed. Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2003 (Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004), pp. 170-183.

7. “Notes on Drawing” In Lai Meilin ed. The Retelling of Drawing II: Story of Peach Flower Garden, exh. cat. (Hong Kong: The Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2003), unpaginated.

8. “Duality of Creation” (bilingual) In Inseparable: An Exhibition on Small Works, exh. cat. (Hong Kong: The Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2003), unpaginated.

9. “The Early Life and Work of Ricky Yeung”, in Lai Kin Keung ed. Xingcai fengliu (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd., 2002), pp. 138-141.

10. “Review of David Clarke’s Hong Kong Art – Culture and Decolonization”, Para/Site Visual Arts and Culture Magazine, no.18 (Autumn 2002), pp. 31-33.

11. “The Art of Gaylord Chan” In Besides: A Journal of Art History & Criticism, vol. 2 (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Art History Research Society, 1999), pp. 177-192.

12. “A Glance at Phoebe Man’s Inspiration”, Hong Kong Economic Journal, 17 June 1998.

13. “Rao Ziran: Huizong Shier Ji (The Twelve Taboos of the Painting Masters).” In Besides: A Journal of Art History & Criticism, vol.1 (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Art History Research Society, 1997), pp. 75-90.

14. “An Analogy to the Unsettled Collective Psyche in Late Qing Period: Oscar Ho’s Stories Around Town Series”, Hong Kong Economic Journal, 22 July 1997.


1. “Hong Kong Art History Workshop” organized by Asia Art Archive in collaboration with Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, July, 2015.

2. “Understanding Contemporary Art” organized by the Learning & Participation Department, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong, 18 July, 2012.


1. “Hong Kong Art of the Twentieth Century” “Art Specialist Course 2013-14” organized by Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 20, 27 July, 2013.

2. “Introduction on Western Art History (II)” “MA Programme in Cultural Management” offered by the Department of Cultural & Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 5 March, 2012.

3. “Introduction on Western Art History (I)” “MA Programme in Cultural Management” offered by the Department of Cultural & Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 17 November, 2011.

4. “Snapshots of Hong Kong Art History: 1950-2000” “Asia Art Archive” organized by Asia Art Archive in collaboration with the Hong Kong Museum of Art, 9 July, 2011.

5. “Lui Shou Kwan: Traditionalism Vs Reformism” “Academy of Visual Arts” organized by The Hong Kong Baptist University, 22 August, 2009.

6. “Methodologies of Art History” Guest lecture delivered at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 9 October, 2002.

7. “Academic Writing” Guest lecture delivered at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2 October, 2002.

8. “Methodologies of Visual Analysis” Guest lecture delivered at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 10 October, 2001.

9. “How to Write a Master Thesis” Guest lecture delivered at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 3 October, 2001.

10. “Hong Kong Art of the 1980s and 1990s” Guest lecture delivered in the Department of Fine Arts, The University of Hong Kong, 7 February, 2001.

11. “Contemporary Hong Kong Art” Public lecture delivered at The University of Hong Kong, 20 December, 1998.


1996 – 1997 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships for undertaking.